#15 Guitar-Fied (28/6/10)

Hello! Random fact about myself.....! I love to surf the net for acoustic covers of my favourite songs whenever I feel stressed =D And attempt, I say again.. *Attempt* to play it on guitar but to no avail most of the time =( Haha but at least it gets me motivated to strive for something! Thank you sooo much Adam for influencing me to pick up guitar-playing! It's such an incredible talent to have! It really really makes QT livelier with that awesome guitar atmosphere. Hope I will be able to draw people to worship too! Haha! (Now time to affirm Ens for lending me her guitar) I don't know why but I just love the way the chords/strumming patterns/variations fit together to create a masterpiece. It's like gathering the best defenders, midfielders and forwards to form an awesome Football Dream Team! =D Kay kay! Let me share with ya a video that Adam intro-ed me like just now.....

Awesome skills right? Haha Adam and I plan to pick up a song from this band like after BTs! It's called 'Wedding Bell'. Hopefully it will be successful! I'll be playing chords while he'll be playing tabs! Challenging eh? Haha hopefully with God's guidance, I'll be able to play for y'all sooner rather than later! =D

Cheers people! Off to catch Netherlands vs Slovakia!

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