
#20 God's Greatest Creation : Humans (10/10/10)

"Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of stars, and they pass by themselves without even wondering." -Saint Augustine

I think this quote has really injected some realistic sense in me. It shows how man(a.k.a ourselves) take themselves for granted without even noticing how our awesome God has created us as DISTINCT individuals. Each and every one of us have DNA that is made up of 4 Billion characters and our body contains a total of about 4 Trillion cells. So what are the chances of one of us being completely identical to another?... And up till today, the most technologically advance thing on Earth is the Human Eye. When we were 5 months old in our Mother's womb, one million optic nerves from our brain met up with one million optic nerves from our eye. And after each of these nerves had found their exact partner out of a million, at that moment, We Had Sight! And since then, we were able to appreciate the greatness of God and his vast array of creations.

Our God is Amazing Amen? =)

You know it doesn't matter whether you know how many hairs there are on your head or the number of blood cells in your body? Cause God knows and that's all that matters. But through all these creations, God is sending us a message that no matter how hard we try or how far we travel or how high we climb, we will Never Ever find any creation better than our own very self - our body, our eye, our hands, our feet.... We are all God's creation and we are perfect! There is no debate to that fact.

And what better way to love God than to love his creations? From this, I have decided to turn away from all the usual complains and unsatisfactions, the what-ifs and the 'if only's. No matter how unsuccessful I may be or how badly I've done, I'm gonna be appreciative of God's craftsmanship. I wanna be grateful for everything that God has planned for me or has put into my life. I'm gonna stop chasing for Earthly rewards and targets and aim for what God has waiting for me in Heaven. =)

And I hope you will too! ^^


"For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authoriries; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." - Colossians 1:16-17
"He gives strength to the weary, and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall: but those who hope in the Lord will Renew Their Strength. They will soar on wings like eagles: they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." - Isaiah 40: 29-31
Amen. Praise God! =)

#18 GOD I NEED YOU 3/10/10

I feel so cui now. But I dont know why! For some reason, I just dont usually enjoy the things I loved to do. Must be the massive array of things happening in my life currently. So many things to do, so many things to think about, so many problems to solve & SO MUCH TO STUDY! Oh man how am I gonna tide through next year when Im in NS/youth ministry at the same time? =(

Cui cui cui cui cui cui! Honestly I think I really need to empower my faith in God. It's been one of my downfalls lately. Putting too much emphasis and relying too much on people/materialistic aspects when God is just right there with me. And look! Im even rating to my blog and not to God! I NEED to strengthen my relationship with God. Its the only way Im gonna tide through/scale the countless obstacles that are coming my way next year.

God I Need You.

"Dear God, if this is what you have called me to do, I will abide. If its where I'll shine the most, I will not hesitate. I want to respond to your calling."

#18 Rojak With A Teardrop

It's been a hectic week of July... Though its been darkened by jealousy, a severe lack of sleep, frustration and academic unproductivity, overall it's still a vibrant one! Went for membership class after playing tennis with some district people on Sunday, celebrated July Babies Birthdays at CrEation on Tuesday, gave Hsiaoen a B'daeee surprise during JCNEA Reunion BBQ, had interesting fellowship with some unit guys and Andre Chichak phoned me during the week! I really hope it's not a scam cause I apparently told a lot of people about it... And I would loook reallliiiii stupid if they found out it was a prank call and I got scameddd!! *Fingers Crossed REALLY HARD!!* =X ..Btw 'He' asked me where the Parliament House was located, the number of Merlions present in S'pore and the location of Singapore's first airport! =O Think I answered all wrongly la!! =(

Haha I just finished re-stringing Hsiaoen's guitar and apparently now's the interval before I get started on studying and preparing for Prayer Meet! Gonna share to the life group about Outreach and hopefully I will be able to urge them on to step out of their comfort zones just as Christ did for our sake! =) Praise The Lord!

Unfortunately as well, today's the day that an innocent young girl(about 6-7 years old) passed away after facing a near death experience when she drowned in the swimming pool next to my unit. Apparently, she was underwater for a couple of minutes before my dad heard someone shout for help. He tried his best to race over and dive into the pool to rescue her but when he pulled her up, she was already foaming from her mouth. The police and medics took over after that... And she ended her life marathon today...

You know sometimes we question God's intentions.. Why would he want to taint our lives with failures here and there? Setbacks and countless obstacles? Adding bits and pieces of teary nights? Throw in a little sorrow and suffering and wahlah! That's life for you! ... Why why why? Why would he also allow a young child to exit the world in such a manner?

Truthfully, I really feel that when we've fulfilled God's intentions here on Earth, he'll permit us to leave and join him in eternal paradise. But the weird thing is that.... We have no idea exactly when our time will come.. All we can do is give it our all for God and his people when we still have the opportunity. And Do not, I say again, Do not serve God with a soul of reluctance. Do it willingly like how Jesus Christ as ever so willingly stepped out of his comfort zone, Heaven, travelled all the way to Earth, took all the blows that sin has cost us up, down, left, right & centre. And then returned to sit at the right hand of the Father. Do it willingly like how Jesus did.

Galatians 6:9, 'Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.' Let us serve in his Kingdom to the best of our ability.


"Yes I do love God. He is my source of existence and my saviour. He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without him, I am nothing, but with him I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Phil 4:13

#17 Touch & Go (5/7/10)

Busy Busy Busy Busy Very Busy week ahead yo!... Blog tests are still ongoing. Gotta settle this week's Prayer Meet and plan for Hsiaoen's birthday! Also got shepherding with Caleb =) World Cup semi-finals and finals to catch! District meet and JCNEA Alumni BBQ! Video-making! Guitar learning... God please guide me through this hectic week. I really need strength and perserverance.

Saw this lovely quote on the net recently...

"Who We Are Is God's Gift To Us but Who We Become Is Our Gift To God."

Amen! =)

#16 ROCKET! (30/6/10)

Bet the blog title has induced many question marks in your head right?? Hahaha! =D Just had Math Paper 1 tuh-daeee and I've just stoned for the past few hours so I've decided to bloggg! And then I really gotta get started on Physics. Quantum's sooo boring.. =X

Being the die-hard football and Liverpool FC fan, there's gotta be some skills that I've been working on 'behind the scenes' that you guys dont get to see... until I play in front of everyone. =P Haha I can sense everyone going "Ah-Hah that's what he's been wasting his free time on...". =.= Nice try but it aint exatly 'time-wasting' cause football is the best sport in the world!! Okay jokes aside... Gotta get to the mian jist of this blog post.

Okay okay the technique that I've been practising so much on is called the 'Rocket Free Kick'. It's basically just striking a stationary ball with a magnificent combination of power, dip & accuracy, that it is almost unstoppable to keep out of the goal. WATCH THIS!!

AND THIS! (Apologise for the poor quality.. It's the best I could get)

Before I continue, I've gotta clarify this... I'M SOOOO NOT A FAN OF RONALDO as a person. I just admire his technique and skill. Got that?? =P
Haha yeah you seeeee?? How amazing are his strikes? Betcha that all of you are pulling your jaws off from the ground right now. The way that he makes contact with the ball is simply amazingly yummy! He just strikes the ball sooo sweetly to inch-perfection. Especially in the 2nd video. Brilliant technique to acquire! Hehe! So I'll be practising more and more. Hopefully I will be able to replicate his free kicks one day. One day.... =X Well, practice makes perfect!

Before I sign off, I wanna share a verse from Hebrews 11.. 'Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.'
Let me use this to encourage my buddies out there to just have faith no matter what situation you're in. Be it in times of trouble or in times of disappointment or in times of picking up a new skill like the 'Rocket Freekicks', we just gotta trust in God that he will deliver us from our troubles even if our situation seems really really helpless. God will know what's best for us! =)

Just gotta have a lil faith! - Lincoln Burrows(Prison Break) KUDOS! =D

#15 Guitar-Fied (28/6/10)

Hello! Random fact about myself.....! I love to surf the net for acoustic covers of my favourite songs whenever I feel stressed =D And attempt, I say again.. *Attempt* to play it on guitar but to no avail most of the time =( Haha but at least it gets me motivated to strive for something! Thank you sooo much Adam for influencing me to pick up guitar-playing! It's such an incredible talent to have! It really really makes QT livelier with that awesome guitar atmosphere. Hope I will be able to draw people to worship too! Haha! (Now time to affirm Ens for lending me her guitar) I don't know why but I just love the way the chords/strumming patterns/variations fit together to create a masterpiece. It's like gathering the best defenders, midfielders and forwards to form an awesome Football Dream Team! =D Kay kay! Let me share with ya a video that Adam intro-ed me like just now.....

Awesome skills right? Haha Adam and I plan to pick up a song from this band like after BTs! It's called 'Wedding Bell'. Hopefully it will be successful! I'll be playing chords while he'll be playing tabs! Challenging eh? Haha hopefully with God's guidance, I'll be able to play for y'all sooner rather than later! =D

Cheers people! Off to catch Netherlands vs Slovakia!

#14 Who We Truly Belong To (25/6/10)

I know I know.... It has been a whole 2 months since my last blog post. Disappointment!! Only got myself to blame for my severe lack of motivation. Hmmm got a lotta catching up to do now! Need to start piling in the effort to keep my life in perspective! *Fingers Crossed*

Last night was really really really really a huge turning point. Amidst all the BT2 preparations, yesterday's LG on 'Influence' and half a year of embracing on the topic of Intentional Discipleship really spurred me on to do some reflection and pondering. (Stared at the ceiling for a whole 2 hours in fact =O) So yeah! I just lied on my bed, grabbed my pillow, held my Bible, and thought and thought and thought... It's simply amazing how God created each and every one of us as an individual. Not only an individual, but a distinct individual to do specific tasks to glorify his Kingdom. How he specifically and carefully crafted each and every one of us to perfection in order to be the best stewards we can in his Kingdom is just simply amazing! If we are made to be the founder of Adidas, we are made to be that person and no one else can take your place. Similarly, if we are created to be an evangelist. Make use of that gift to the best of your ability. No questions asked. Just do what God tells you to do...

'Brazilian Footballer Kaka looking up into the skies after AC Milan's victory over Liverpool in the 2007 Champions League Final'

This picture speaks a thousand words. It tells the whole story of who we are and what we are supposed to do. Amazing! After yesterday's LifeGroup and stalking of Jinger's and Joane's blogs, I thought of this... Every single part and aspect of us belongs to the Lord, Our God. Be it our hands, our legs, our mouths and even our hair! There is just simply so many different ways we can use these gifts to glorify God. We can use our legs to run marathons to raise money for our church. We can use our mouths to spread the Gospel and make God known! We can even donate our hair for the Hair For Hope event!

It is very important not to abuse these incredible gifts that God has blessed us with. Use them to the best of your abilities in whatever you do. Be it in serving the community or in outreach and discipleship. Just bear in mind that God has a purpose for each and everyone of us. No matter how young we are or how poor we are, no one is restricted of the ability to make a difference.

For the Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:12 --- "Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." =) Jiayou people!

Argh I really hate the times when your head really itches a few hours after waxing your hair. The huge price that guys(and some girls) pay to look good...

#13 Picking Up The Pieces (25/4/10)

It's been ages since I was last here!! OH MYYY!! Life has definitely changed for the better since the my last blog entry and I owe it all to an awesome bunch of friends whom I will treasure and hold close to my heart for as long as possible! Thanks SALG for everything you've done! I'm awed by all your devotion to Christianity. Y'Hope Church is simply AMAZING! I wanna thank God for giving me a second chance at life! I'm enjoying myself these days. I always look forward to seeing you guys at school or the next LG meeting or even at SVC! The things that we do together will always say rooted at the back of my mind for a long time. It's simply undescribable how you guys are so nice and warm and welcoming! From the frequent encouragement cards to the awesome birthday celebrations.. Simply Outstanding! I can never thank God enough for giving me such awesome friends!
It's been a long wait for a Shepherd. A whole 2 months? And I finally have one now! I aim to grow spiritually and be more of a blessing to others and I know that Caleb will help me through this journey without avail! Again I thank God for blessing me with a brilliant Shepherd/friend.

After reflecting upon Delvin's words, I've finally came to realise that I certainly CAN make a difference in the LifeGroup! I am probably the one most exposed to the religion among all the guys(been a Catholic ever since I was born *smiles*) and so Delvin has urged me on to be a role model to the juniors. And at the same time influencing their lives enabling them to grow and develop healthy traits! It definitely is a motivation and I aim to outreach to them more and help them in every way possible!

So that's my aim and I will work extremely hard to achieve it! Cheers!

#12 Wonderful Festive Season (3/1/10)Trackers at Ike's Birthday BBQ!
Hoo-hah!! Ready For Action!

New Friends =P

Picture with Joane
Trackers at Christmas Eve Concert!
ShiJie & I

JC Trackers

Ryan & I (Only 2 with coloured hair)
Went to watch Mr Wong's Christmas Concert

#11 Straight Through My Heart (3/1/10)

"In the heart of the night when it's dark
In the lights I heard the loudest noise
A gunshot on the floor.."
"No I can't resist and I can't be hit
I just can't escape this love
Straight through my heart, soldier down
My heart, soldier down.."
"Hear the sound of love so loud
I just can't, can't ignore this feeling..."