
#18 Rojak With A Teardrop

It's been a hectic week of July... Though its been darkened by jealousy, a severe lack of sleep, frustration and academic unproductivity, overall it's still a vibrant one! Went for membership class after playing tennis with some district people on Sunday, celebrated July Babies Birthdays at CrEation on Tuesday, gave Hsiaoen a B'daeee surprise during JCNEA Reunion BBQ, had interesting fellowship with some unit guys and Andre Chichak phoned me during the week! I really hope it's not a scam cause I apparently told a lot of people about it... And I would loook reallliiiii stupid if they found out it was a prank call and I got scameddd!! *Fingers Crossed REALLY HARD!!* =X ..Btw 'He' asked me where the Parliament House was located, the number of Merlions present in S'pore and the location of Singapore's first airport! =O Think I answered all wrongly la!! =(

Haha I just finished re-stringing Hsiaoen's guitar and apparently now's the interval before I get started on studying and preparing for Prayer Meet! Gonna share to the life group about Outreach and hopefully I will be able to urge them on to step out of their comfort zones just as Christ did for our sake! =) Praise The Lord!

Unfortunately as well, today's the day that an innocent young girl(about 6-7 years old) passed away after facing a near death experience when she drowned in the swimming pool next to my unit. Apparently, she was underwater for a couple of minutes before my dad heard someone shout for help. He tried his best to race over and dive into the pool to rescue her but when he pulled her up, she was already foaming from her mouth. The police and medics took over after that... And she ended her life marathon today...

You know sometimes we question God's intentions.. Why would he want to taint our lives with failures here and there? Setbacks and countless obstacles? Adding bits and pieces of teary nights? Throw in a little sorrow and suffering and wahlah! That's life for you! ... Why why why? Why would he also allow a young child to exit the world in such a manner?

Truthfully, I really feel that when we've fulfilled God's intentions here on Earth, he'll permit us to leave and join him in eternal paradise. But the weird thing is that.... We have no idea exactly when our time will come.. All we can do is give it our all for God and his people when we still have the opportunity. And Do not, I say again, Do not serve God with a soul of reluctance. Do it willingly like how Jesus Christ as ever so willingly stepped out of his comfort zone, Heaven, travelled all the way to Earth, took all the blows that sin has cost us up, down, left, right & centre. And then returned to sit at the right hand of the Father. Do it willingly like how Jesus did.

Galatians 6:9, 'Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.' Let us serve in his Kingdom to the best of our ability.


"Yes I do love God. He is my source of existence and my saviour. He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without him, I am nothing, but with him I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Phil 4:13

#17 Touch & Go (5/7/10)

Busy Busy Busy Busy Very Busy week ahead yo!... Blog tests are still ongoing. Gotta settle this week's Prayer Meet and plan for Hsiaoen's birthday! Also got shepherding with Caleb =) World Cup semi-finals and finals to catch! District meet and JCNEA Alumni BBQ! Video-making! Guitar learning... God please guide me through this hectic week. I really need strength and perserverance.

Saw this lovely quote on the net recently...

"Who We Are Is God's Gift To Us but Who We Become Is Our Gift To God."

Amen! =)